Monday 18 June 2012


The brief given was to create five editorial illustrations for an article in TIME magazine called ‘The upside of being an introvert: and why extroverts are overrated’. We were free to interpret the article in any way we wished, using any style & medium (keeping the target market in mind). The only limitation was that we had to use four colours.

Considering the target market of TIME magazine (male & female middle aged working class) I decided to go for a slightly more sophisticated- fine art approach . Wanting to be more experimental I decided to use (Marley-tile) printing combined with ink as my mediums. I created one strange (almost alien-like) character to represent the introvert throughout the illustrations, communicating the alienated qualities the introvert prefers. However, I was very careful to reject any negative connotations that are normally associated with the introvert. Instead I wanted to focus on their positve qualities (a main theme being the calmness and balance created in their solitude).


The four colours I chose were charcoal, white, pale-yellow and pale-blue. I chose pale blue to communicate calmness & peacefulness, and pale yellow to bring a sense of positivity to the illustrations and therefore the message.

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